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What About Your Doctor?

Updated: Jun 6

doctor talking about placenta encapsulation
My doctor says not to encapsulate my placenta

FAQ: What if my Dr. doesn't agree with placenta encapsulation?

Great question and an important topic of discussion! Placenta encapsulation is a widely questioned approach to postpartum healthcare in western medicine. NuHealth Placenta Encapsulation is here to continuously spread awareness and education about the industry. Postpartum healthcare is in need of major restructuring in order to provide the necessary support new mothers need after having a baby. 

With that said, it is understood that some doctors may not completely agree with placenta encapsulation and the anecdotal benefits experienced by so many women. We never seek to discredit your doctor. In fact, they have a good reason to be reluctant. Some boutique placenta companies might not practice in safe or sterile environments, directly affecting the health of both mother and baby. NuHealth Placenta Encapsulation, on the other hand, is supported by many doctors and our numbers continue to grow every day.

To put it simply, some doctors just don't understand our process. We are here to change that! Working together to innovate the industry by creating a standard form of placenta encapsulation practice. Our staff has years of experience encapsulating thousands of placentas over the span of their career. You can rest assured you are encapsulating your placenta with a credible and certified team of industry professionals. 

Thank you for putting your trust in NuHealth Placenta Encapsulation.

"A new approach to postpartum recovery"


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